Friday, May 16, 2008

Trip Back Home

So we had the opportunity to go home and visit the family and some friends. It was absolutely a blast! During the trip our camera was being stubborn and would not work most of the time, so here are just a few pics of our trip.

We were able to spend the weekend up in Montpelier with Jeremy's family. The power was down for a few hours so Grandma struck up her accordion and entertained all of us. It was great!

Jeremy and I got to see my best friend get married. It was one of the best ceremonies that I have ever been to! Thanks mom for watching the munchkin!!

My dad took the day off and made us his 'famous' ham and cheese omelets. Yum!

Kylee loved hanging out with all of her cousins! This is a cute pic we snapped of her and Travy.

Here is a pic of my mom, grandma, and sister in law on Moms day.

As Jeremy and I prepared to leave the family came out and stood in a line in front of the house waving goodbye. SO SAD!! - When my brothers saw that I was crying, they cheered. Don't you just love family! ;)


The Parks Fam said...

We were soo glad we got to see you guys during your trip here! We had a blast! Now, i think its time for you to come move back home okay?? We miss having you here. Hope to see you soon!

Connor and Jana said...

What happened with the stop off to see me? I just kidding, you were probably way busy. I hope you had fun, it looks like you did!!

Michelle said...

What a wonderful family you have, Andrea! I'm so glad that you get to go back and see them fairly often.